Local Leadership Development
God never intended for pastors to do ministry alone.
Through Mobilize, pastors can effectively and efficiently mentor church leaders into successful ministry roles that help the church grow.
The Local Leadership Development track of Mobilize is a 12-month program with two levels.
What is a “Bird’s-Eye” Overview of Mobilize: Lay Ministry Worker?
Level One: The Foundation
The pastor guides participants in becoming workers for Christ through two, three-month series of studies:
- Part A: Leadership Skills – Enabling members to become leaders.
- Part B: Character Formation – Discipling members into Christlikeness.
Level Two: The Ministry Focus
Individuals choose, in consultation with the pastor, a specialization area of ministry that they personally desire to establish in their church. Level Two studies are divided into two, three-month sections:
- Part A: Ministry Foundations and Principles – Discovering key information about their specialized ministry.
- Part B: Ministry Skills and Practices – Acquiring abilities for specialized ministry.
What Are the Primary Goals
of Mobilize?
To develop a culture of faithful servant-leadership in the local church.
To emphasize the establishment of biblical covenant-team relationships between pastors, local church leaders, and members.
To provide effective and cutting-edge ministerial resources that encompass the training and formation of spiritual integrity in every believer.
What Others are Saying About Mobilize
The Mobilize program is one of the best-kept secrets in the Church of God. I use Mobilize every year, seeing many members become strong ministry leaders.
The Mobilize program is the best on the market. I have friends in other denominations who want our Mobilize program. We need to utilize these resources for the healthy growth of our local churches.